Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Weekend in Review

Okay, above is what the weekend gave us. Rain, clouds, humid weather. Yet, I still went swimming twice, both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday night we relaxed with some friends and daringly got in the cold pool. It was very chilly. The apartment complex opened it on Friday and had just filled it a week earlier and it is most definitely not heated.

Erik did a lot of baking of bread this weekend. I baked some ANZAC cookies tonight... ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. We went to a local grocery store that we only go once in a while - a very nice store. Once Erik and I had taken a trip to Omaha just to go to Cost Plus World Market to get golden syrup to find out they were sold out. It seems that it is hard to find in regular grocery stores. So as we were walking around what do I find... golden syrup, so I had to make the cookies once I had the syrup. I had them when I was in Australia and found the recipe in a magazine and thought I'd try it. They didn't turn out quite like I thought they should, but they still turned out.

Our veggies are doing well. Erik's cucumbers are about an inch long and I have flowers on my tomato plants. The basil is going crazy too. We have had a rainy spring and with that has come a fungus on the cucumber plants, so we went to Earl May and got some fungicide so it doesn't spread.

Today was pretty easy going day. We ran some errands and did some laundry. I packed for my trip to Minnesota. Katie is having surgery on Wednesday and I'm going to hang out with her and my parents for the week. I'm excited to see them!

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