This guy and I went hiking around
Afton State Park on Friday. I absolutely love our days together going on a little adventure. We often only have one or two days off together and make the most of our time. We've been hitting State Parks quite a bit lately, but we really enjoy them. We enjoyed Afton State Park too. Since we went on a Friday it was very quiet there and peaceful. I simply could not pick one picture of the day... but if I had to, it would be the dear that so lovely graced our presence and was just hanging out with us as we stood in awe that she was not afraid of us. The pictures are in chronological order of our hike around the northeast side of the park.

Crown Vetch

Path at Afton State Park

Purple Aster

Lower St. Croix Valley

Bridge over Trout Brook

St. Croix River Shore

Dock on the St. Croix River

A Walk along the Shore

Hello dear

Leaves are lip-licking good

Acorns on the trail (ready to be crunched by chaco wearing feet)

Creeping Vine
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