I've been making stuff lately from cakes to marmalade. The cakes I make up as I go or find inspiration online and go from there. For the marmalade I've been loving the book
Well Preserved. I checked it out from the library, but I'm definitely going to need to get a copy for myself. Last weekend I made orange-lemon marmalade. It is a little tart for my taste, but I got a little advice from a co-worker that it is really nice for marinades. I used Valencia oranges and Meyer lemons. Next I'd like to try Blood oranges. I have them, but I need to find a chunk of time to make it.

Yesterday this was the view of the sunrise from our bedroom window. Today you could hardly see this tree from the fog that hung around most of the day. Thankfully the sun peaked out towards the end of the day. Willow and I got out for a run taking advantage of the last bit of sun and the rising, almost-full moon.

I think someone was playing with my camera... must have been Willow. :)
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