Tuesday was a busy day at school (as was Monday). I had a lot of data to play around with, but somehow it just isn't that much fun. Tuesday night I had zucchinoos from Kim... zucchini cut in half and the insides partially taken out and then stuffed with rice and some other good stuff with melted cheese on top. Then Erik and I got to watch Jessie, our neighbor's Shiba Inu for the evening. Mostly I got to, because unfortunately Erik had to go to a meeting, but he got to play for a while. He is a very sweet dog maybe about a year old. I'd love to have a dog like Jessie.

On the 4th, we decided to go to Schramm State Park. It is an old fish hatchery. It is kind of run down. You can tell they haven't put too much into it lately, but it was nice to get out and see some fish and go for a hike. It was certainly a hot day for a hike too, but you can't let it stop you, because then you'd never go outside in Nebraska during the summer.

After hiking about, we went to eat at Holyland Cuisine. It was wonderful. Then we did a little shopping. We went to South Point Mall. Looked around in Scheels and a few other places. I got a great deal on some white capris at Old Navy. The time got away from us a bit and we hurried home so that I could make Peach Crisp for the party. Erik and I peeled all the peaches and made the peach crisp. I took twenty minute snooze and then we were on our way. We went to Gloria and Robert's house and had a potluck dinner there and watched fireworks.
Nebraska fireworks are a little bit different than I'm used to. There are more legal fireworks here than there are in the great state of MN. And EVERYONE shoots them off, no matter where they live it seems. We sat along the road and Robert shot them off in the road. The road was not blocked off, so cars came by every once in a while and some drivers were so stupid and just drove along side a firework going off. There were fireworks going off everywhere. You could look in any direction and see fireworks going off the next block over or a couple blocks over. It was crazy. We could also see the fireworks that they city puts on from Gloria and Robert's house. That was fun too. It was set to music on the radio so we listened to that too. When we drove home, there was haze from one end of town to the other end from all the fireworks. The fireworks continued through the night... although they were suppose to stop at midnight. We are all a little tired today, but it was a fun day.

Here is Robert lighting some fireworks... doesn't it look like is head is missing?

Hula girl fireworks

Sparklers - fun and scary with some many little kids not thinking
about where they are pointing theirs.
about where they are pointing theirs.
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