Saturday, Erik and I got up at 6 and drove down to Nebraska City. We ran the 5K Jaycees Independence Day race. It was my first run. I wasn't too excited about it before the race. I just wanted it to be over, but when it was over and I had accomplished it - It was a great feeling. There were 46 runners (okay it was a small race but who cares). Erik took 4th with 25:14. I took somewhere in the 15th range, with a much slower time, but hey... I set a goal and I was almost 5 minutes under that goal, so that is what matters. I accomplished what I set out to do and 5 minutes faster. :)
After the run there was a pancake breakfast. The worst pancake breakfast I've ever had! The pancakes were either soggy or crusty. The ham was fake and tasted terrible. The syrup was even bad. Then we went to a wellness center so we could clean up. I'm glad they had that available.
We walked around downtown Nebraska City. It is a cute little town. We had lunch at the Avenue Grill. As soon as our food came we were silent. We were very hungry.
We drove to Arbor Trails Winery and tasted some wine and bought some too. Then we went to the Kimmel Orchard. This is funny because at UNL there are two Kims... Kim P. and me, Kim L., so they call Kim, 'Kimpy', and me, 'Kimmel'. We bought sweet corn, apple cider donuts and Erik got some Apple Brew.

When we got back to Lincoln, I crashed for about 2 hours - much need nap. Last night we made barbecue chicken and sweet corn. Then we had some friends over for some dominoes.
Today we went to the farmers market. We loaded up on real maple syrup, peaches, tomatoes, steaks (for dinner tonight) and cinnamon rolls. The cinnamon rolls were great but a bit on the large side.
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