Friday, May 30, 2008

Settling In

There have been a lot of changes lately for Erik and I. We moved - that would be one big one. We both have new jobs - that is another big one. And we are finally back in Minnesota. We are happy to be back, but we miss all of our friends in Nebraska, but they are dispersing throughout the world here in the next few years and we'll hopefully go visit them just as they are welcome to visit us in Minnesota.

It has been very nice to be so close to our family now. I've spent sometime with my family - riding with Mom, softball with Dad. Katie, Dad and I went hiking in Nerstrand State Park last weekend. It was a very nice time. We took pictures of the waterfall and hiked around in the woods.
The other night I went out to my parents and my Mom and I planted raspberry plants and jalapeños. Then we went to Katie's softball game - she is coaching this year, and then out to cold stone. It was fun to watch her doing something that she enjoys like that.

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